Thursday, 16 December 2010

chinese herbal drinks

Some NPC patients have asked what drinks they could consume to help reduce the body's heatiness caused by radiotherapy & chemotherapy.

Besides the more common "cooling" drinks that you can boil such as barley & chrysanthemum, you can also try drinking herbal drinks to take away the heatiness & "dampness" of the body.

Below are some herbal drinks recipes* recommended by TCM Physician Long for nose/nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) patients & survivors (note : recipes & instructions are re-produced here in their original form as provided by Physician Long).

无花果木瓜仔汤 (Figs and papaya seeds soup)

材料 (Ingredients)
1. 无花果 30 粒 (Figs 30 pcs)
2. 木瓜仔 30 粒 (Papaya seeds 30 pcs )
3. 罗汉果1 粒 (Luo Han Guo 1 pc)
4. 木蝴蝶 20gms (Mu Hu Die (Indian Trumpet Flower seeds 20 gms)
5. 鸡蛋衣 30gms (Egg shell 30 gms )
6. 蜜枣 6 粒 (Preserved Dates 6 pcs)
7. 水10 碗 (Water 10 bowls or 1000 cc)

煮法: 将上述材料同煮1小时, 去渣, 分多次饮用.
Preparation: Boil the above ingredients together with water for one hour. Remove all residues after boiling. Drink the soup on various occasions.

疗效: 放化疗后咽喉溃烂, 声带发炎, 声音沙哑
Functions: Mucous cyst of oral mucosa after chemotherapy or radiotherapy, hoarse or sore throat, pharyngolaryngitis.

仙草冻罗汉果 (Grass Jelly & Luo Han Guo)

材料 (Ingredients)
1. 仙草冻 (Grass Jelly)
2. 仙草 (Mesona Chinensis Centh)
3. 罗汉果 (Luo Han Guo)


疗效: 性凉味甘, 淡, 清热解暑, 利湿, 降压
Functions: It tastes light. Good for clearing the heat-evil and dampness of body. Promotes urination, subdues blood pressure.

c) 罗汉果鹏大海汤 (Luo Han Guo & Pang Da Hai soup)

材料 (Ingredients)
1. 鹏大海: 6 枚 (Pang Da Hai 6 Pcs)
2. 罗汉果: 1 枚 (Luo Han Guo <> 1 Pc)


1) 鹏大海浸水泡胀后, 清理纤维物质, 捞起待用
Soak the Pang Da Hai until it is fully expanded. Separate and collect the fiber / jelly from the seed and put it in a container for later use.

2) 罗汉果砸碎, 加5 碗水煮45分钟
Smash the Luo Han Guo. Add 5 bowls of water and boil it for 45 minutes.

3) 将材料 (a) + (b) 同煮10分钟即成
Put (1) & (2) together and boil them for 10 minutes.

疗效: 咽喉发炎
Functions: Catarrh (ie inflammation of the oral cavity, nose and throat with increased production of mucus)

* recipes given at a talk by Dr Long at the NPC Support Group

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